Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Sexual Abuse And Substance Abuse Disorders Essay - 1299 Words
Mr. Gonzalez is a second generation Hispanic-American who grew up in a poverty stricken family. His mother became the sole provider when his father was incarcerated when he was only 7 years old. Mexican-American adolescents are at a very high risk for substance use and abuse and are far more likely to be arrested, 60%, than a white peer. (Tezler, Gonzales, Fuligni. 2013) It was also found that clients in this population are more likely to be aggressive and engage in substance abuse than peers from other ethnicities. Research has also found that this group starts substance use at an earlier age which also puts them at risk for setting the stage for substance abuse disorders as adults as well. (Tezler, Gonzales, Fuligni. 2013) This information is very relevant for the client because he has had a criminal history, has aggressive tendencies, and has engaged in substance use and abuse since the age of 10. Goldbach, Thompson, and Steiker (2011) found that there are three primary cau ses for Hispanic teens to abuse substances. He states that issues such as immigration issues, acculturative stress, family tensions, and discrimination can lead individuals from this population into substance abuse. (Goldbach, Thompson Steiker. 2011) One of the biggest risks is due to acculturation as it can be the culprit behind increased deviant or problem behavior among Hispanic youth. (Goldbach, Thompson Steiker. 2011) Acculturation is defined as being a multidimensional andShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Substance Abuse On A Person s Life Essay1528 Words  | 7 Pagesknow people who have used or been around substances during their lifetime. We can even categorize these people as the person who is having a good time at a party, or the person who is a drunk and or drug dealer. It also doesn’t come as a shock to us when we find out these people taking the substances too far are now in rehab. 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