Friday, September 4, 2020
Social Psychology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Social Psychology - Assignment Example To begin with, Bernice stood up in the wedding and declared to all the guests that the purpose behind the wedding was the counsel seeker’s pregnancy. Furthermore, that the pregnancy was done in reason to secure Simon. Second, during Bernice’s clinic visit when the counsel searcher conceived an offspring, she by and by repeated that the pregnancy was only an animate to secure her child. The final irritation that will be tolerated for the exhortation searcher was during the school graduation celebration of her significant other. Bernice reserved a spot for everybody except the exhortation searcher and her infant. What's more, everytime strife occurs, the exhortation searcher will find a similar solution from her significant other, â€Å"I can’t control my mother.†The circumstance shows high consistency in Bernice’s and Simon’s conduct hence inferring that the main driver of the contention between the marriage is Bernice’s conduct toward s the guidance searcher. These circumstances additionally show low peculiarity since in various boosts and occasions, Bernice has a similar response towards her little girl in-law. Bernice’s conduct shows plainly disdain towards her girl in-law and Simon’s conduct demonstrates obviously that Simon hasn’t come into terms that he ought to be supporting his better half and protecting her and their marriage against her mom. The circumstance shows high agreement, low uniqueness and high consistency. This prompts an end that the marriage is constantly being devastated due to the conduct and activities of the relative and the husband’s low reaction with his wife’s need of help against her mother’s conduct. The marriage may then truly be spared if the couple won't experience any longer of the mother-in-law’s conduct. The subsequent circumstance advises about how a lady needed to assist her companion in managing his child (Dear Abby). The profound kinship between the lady and the dad began from the time
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Swimming Free Essays
At long last the warm days are here! Hanging tight for them implied an unending length of time for me, since I love swimming, however I don’t like to swim exposed climate, and finding a pool, large enough for lap swimming, that is truly WARM †80 degrees at any rate is extremely elusive. Here in California, only not many pools have warm (increasingly then 80 degrees) water, and needles to state, the sea shore is a cooler virus water place for me. I go to appreciate the sun, however not at all like the warm waters of the Pacific in Mexico, or the Caribbean. We will compose a custom paper test on Swimming or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now Alright, I’ll return to my subject of swimming. That first jump of the period, felt so great! I swam â€I need to state that I’m a decent swimmer-the initial 20 minutes heating up, the following 30 minutes hustling against myself, and the most recent 20 minutes just†¦cruisin’ in the pool. This is my swimming routine streamlined. Slowing down is another story. Swimming gradually, getting a charge out of the sentiment of the water hitting my face, ah! Also, the vibe of the coasting. Skimming resembles the cherry on the frozen yogurt. After a dip exercise, floating, making the most of your quick, or low speed, releasing yourself, it’s like a back rub. Inevitably, every one of my muscles are loose, no cerebral pains, no pressure, swimming backstroke confronting the roof of the indoor pool resembles a break in a water-coasting Jacuzzi. I began swimming when I was 4 years of age. By age 8 I was rivaling other swimming schools. Not genuine dashing, yet testing and fun swim races. Huge numbers of my companions were there, and it was an exceptionally well known activity, since the climate is only favorable for that. A week ago, I had my first brilliant, restorative, remedially moderate plunge on a warm pool, without carrying with me coats, sweaters, hair driers and all the things that I have to remain warm after the swim and go out to the chilly climate. Many would think I’m nuts on the grounds that in California the climate is sensibly gentle all year, yet on the off chance that you realized I was conceived in Mexico, in a city with a multi month long summer, with temperatures cresting the 120 degrees 3 months on a line, they would comprehend that my body and skin are as yet missing that climate and the awesome sentiment of a reviving make a plunge water. All things considered, the sensation not long before the plunging is elating for me as well. A few times I feel so restless †to go in-that the prior minutes become like a custom of arrangement. At the point when I am around more than two feet over the water; I gaze at it, and it gazes directly back at me. My top is set up, my bathing suit tight and great, and my apparatus with the flippers and hand loads hanging tight for me. The goggles give the water a precious stone blue color that insults me; the water thinks it is better than I am. From the stature of the square, the dark tile that runs down the focal point of each path appears to me as a runway. In only a couple of moments I will be descending that runway, attempting to take off over the water. My eyes will be centered around that tile, to ensure I am in the focal point of my path. I can see the water smiling and chuckling at me now; I am remaining on the square with my knees nearly to the point of shaking. The water can tell how energized I am. The water looked so quiet and smooth, alluring me to make a plunge. In any case, in only a couple of moments, the shiny blueness will be transformed into a beating white mass as the swimmers stir through it, making a wake stumble into the pool. For the time being, it is as yet giggling at me however, with my toes firmly folded over the edge of the square, my body looped up like a spring prepared to detonate. The quiet of the pool zone adds to it. There is positively NO clamor, which enhances the serenity of the pool. The classes and â€Å"aquaerobics†are done. There is only one more swimmer, yet his swimming is moderate and indistinct. I take a jump. Swimming. An old oceanic game. Its is simply the craftsmanship development in water by utilization of hands and additionally feet. Swimming is seen as a game or as diversion. Did you know is the most complete of the games? You practice every single muscle of your body, you can unwind or accomplish genuine cardio work, and weight or jogging will never hurt your knees or lower legs. Be that as it may, when you become familiar with the strategies, it is much increasingly agreeable. Storks and methods must be learned by people as it doesn't come instinctually. Various strokes and body positions have been created to empower swimming. More top to bottom strokes and developments have advanced for serious swimming. Swimming essentially can happen in anyone of water with the ability to permit free development and isn't excessively chilly, hot, and excessively violent. Flows and tides can make swimming perilous particularly for tenderfoots with little experience. Swimming must be accepted genuine as it can bring about death explicitly suffocating, uncommonly in the sea shore or sea. Swimming is additionally a significant apparatus outside rivalry and amusement. Realizing how to swim can mean endurance in crises. Swimming can likewise help in active recuperation and is a general exercise. Swimming has become a well known thing since its beginning. Numerous diversion habitats contain pools just as private proprietors for private use. Presently, The serious side. Swimming is an overall game that can shift in scope of ability, age, and so forth. A â€Å"race†, is grouped by the stir being utilized and the separation of the Strokes. Five perceived strokes have developed since the nineteenth century. Be that as it may, I especially love breaststroke and backstroke. Here is a stroke-made-basic exercise for the free-form/slither stroke by Terry Shrwader, the mentor of the water polo crew that carried the Silver Gold to the United States in the last Olympics â€Å" Slice your deliver when it passes your shoulder. Expand it in front as far as could be expected under the circumstances. Take as much time as necessary about starting your draw, and pull back straight under your body, neither too profound nor excessively near your trunk. Push harder towards within and during the last ten inches attempt to â€Å"throw†back water under your body to pick up speed. At that point remove your hand from the water and do it with the other hand. You’re swimming fine and dandy. Are there helpful refinements past those referenced? Obviously. However, they pay off unmistakably more if you’re peering toward towards the Olympic group. This is adequate. Ok! The breaststroke. With the breaststroke the swimmer lies front down with the arms pointed straight ahead. The palms are additionally down. The arms are cleared in reverse in accordance with the shoulders consistently on or under the outside of the water. The legs are attracted up near the body, with the knees and toes turned out driving outward as the arms are taken back to the beginning stage â€at this second you breath and pull your head back to the water. This request for occasions is then rehashed. It is essential to breathe out submerged. It is additionally basic that the arm strokes are sidelong not here and there. At the point when I do my everyday practice, and swim for a full exercise, after the 30 minutes of serious quality and enabling exertion, I complete 5 minutes of hustling to myself. Toward the end, my lungs feel like they are prepared to detonate. Be that as it may, I can't inhale until 2 strokes after my flip turn. My all the more impressive arm, which is my correct one, strokes first. When my hand enters the water, I discover the catch I am searching for, with fingers highlighted the floor, and my elbows at a ninety-degree point, I wrench back utilizing pretty much every muscle in my body. I’m perspiring to such an extent! Submerged you can’t tell, yet a short time later, it removes me a short ways from the water to stow perspiring. Truly! That is the thing that I call a decent exercise. It feels so great! And afterward, after the exercise comes the slowing down. This is the moderate, skimming, unwinding, hindering style of the breaststroke. My pulse is down to ordinary. This is heaven†¦The water kneading my face, body and head. Unwinding with my eyes shut. My mind-set feels extraordinary. The water did the mentor and the advisor work. I wish I could swim it all the more frequently. I’m so occupied with my home, kids, life timetables, and schedule, that it’s difficult to locate the 2 hours for this. (Half hour to arrive and prepare for the water, 1 hour and 15 minutes of the swimming, at that point the shower, at that point the drive back home). In any case, since the late spring is coming, and school and school schedules will enjoy a reprieve, I will do so as well. I will swim more, and as though all what I have let you know isn't enough†¦you get additional reward when you swim†¦. also, I’ll free a few pounds. I love the water, and I love to swim! Step by step instructions to refer to Swimming, Essay models
Friday, August 21, 2020
What Are the Most Important Criteria to Choose the Best Online Paper Trading Websites?
What Are the Most Important Criteria to Choose the Best Online Paper Trading Websites?When choosing the best online paper trading websites, what are the most important criteria that you should consider? What are the requirements that you should have to make a winning investment? If you're tired of losing and wondering if it's even worth the effort to try to make money with the stock market, then I've got good news for you. If you already have a working knowledge of how the stock market works, you can learn how to trade stocks online by yourself and earn some serious cash!One of the first steps in making paper trading work for you is to know where to get the information to start trading. This is the Internet.The internet is a free resource that can help you a lot in your journey towards becoming a successful investor. It's open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It has everything that you need in order to succeed and make money. I don't want to give you a 'do it yourself' type of mate rial, because it isn't necessary.However, the Internet does have a lot of information that will help you find out the tricks of the trade, especially if you aren't prepared to look or learn them on your own. Without a hint of the right information, you won't be able to succeed and you'll probably end up wasting lots of time and money that could have been used in more productive ways.Before you actually go out and begin buying stuff and making trades, you're going to need a website that you can work from and maintain. You want a great service that allows you to use the Internet in a responsible way. You also want a site that will allow you to do this without having to pay a monthly fee.It's not difficult to find the best online paper trading sites. All you have to do is type the word into any of the major search engines and you'll have a whole host of websites to choose from. Check out the company's history of operations, and be sure to check out their terms of service, which usually covers things like privacy policies and fraud issues. Most importantly, be sure to check out the customer testimonials.Find out what kinds of trades are being offered and how much they're going to cost you. Also, check out the trading signals that are included with each trade that they offer. There are many types of signals available; you can use stop-losses, stop-time, stop-limit, buy-limit, stop-trades, stop-limit, open-limits, short-or-long-term limits, stop-signals, and stop-loss limits. Many of these are included in each service's standard service offerings.The key to making paper trading work for you is by having an understanding of the concepts behind the market. A full understanding of the stock market and how to work it makes it possible to make money in many different ways. This means that you can run your own stock brokerage business, buy and sell stocks, and do other things that you don't need to have a PhD in finance in order to do.
Performance Assessment and Management Research Paper
Execution Assessment and Management - Research Paper Example The paper along these lines prescribes that McDonalds grow better procedures to improve its human asset the executives in enrollment, the board, and examination. Presentation Organizational tasks, in both benefit making and ‘non-profit’ causing endeavors, to require assessment for compromise with set targets just as for correlation with activities with different undertakings in a comparative industry. Appraisal is characterized as the way toward assessing a subject, which can be a procedure, so as to find out its latent capacity or quality. The board then again alludes to the demonstration or duty of controlling individuals or exercises. Appraisal and the board are along these lines basic components in the life of an association. This paper tries to talk about execution appraisal and the board of McDonalds Company. The paper will investigate the built up culture of representative determination and examination measures that McDonalds applies in its human asset the executi ves. The paper will, with this regard, offer a review of McDonalds human asset rehearses in worker choice and evaluation activities and afterward investigate the procedures. Survey of worker choice and examination forms in McDonalds Company McDonalds is a global organization that works in various societies over the world. Its human asset the executives is anyway merged to a uniform culture. With a general workforce of in excess of thirty thousand representatives, McDonalds has its faculty the board procedures consolidated in its center destinations. So as to accomplish its objective of being the best specialist organization in the food business, the company’s guarantees that it has a broadened social base with phenomenal worker the board. Worker determination McDonalds has a wide based way to deal with choosing its representatives. This incorporates an uncommon thought to handicapped individuals who may have some particular ability to support conveyance. Essentially, the orga nization has a widespread program for taking care of more seasoned representatives, more established than 55 years. Its choice rules have additionally been distinguished to be reasonable and ‘non-discriminatory’. It has hence been available to various classifications of refined workforce. In enrolling its workers, the organization depends on the hypothesis that client utility depends on the proficiency and adequacy of the company’s representatives. Therefore, activities are constantly set up to guarantee that the best workers as for each expected set of responsibilities are recognized. Various ways to deal with enlisting workers have consistently been received with publicizing for positions being the most liked. Different methodologies, for example, nearby occupation communities and expert presentations have likewise been every so often utilized. Candidates are then exposed to a meeting after which a chose panel audits the applicant’s reactions before reco gnizable proof of most appropriate possibility for the activity. Direction Once workers have been chosen and affirmed, they are invited to the organization through a ‘well-defined’ direction process. They are acquainted with their normal jobs in the association just as the organization’s wellbeing strategies. Also, the new workers are taken through the associations strategies, structure, and the human asset framework that incorporates preparing and reward models. In view of its representative maintenance objective, the organization guarantees careful preparing of its workers to furnish them with fundamental aptitudes in
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Writing Descriptive Essay Samples in Seventh Grade
Writing Descriptive Essay Samples in Seventh GradeThe subject of your work in 7th grade is a very important one and this will help you when writing your descriptions. There are several ways that you can write your descriptions that will make them to be not only more meaningful but also less difficult.First, a good description should not make your students think about anything. If they feel at all uncomfortable it will only lead to a negative impression. Students need to be able to imagine what they are looking at when they look at their teacher's words.Second, if you want to be successful with a seventh grade descriptive essay then you need to be brief. A description of something is not an outline for a long topic. It should be short and concise.Third, you need to make sure that the content of your descriptions is relevant to seventh grade. This means that it is based on facts and it does not use any language that is not common. It also means that it relates to life as it is today an d not as it was yesterday. Both young adults and older students need to be able to relate to the writing.Fourth, you need to get your point across immediately. This does not mean that you need to put down the entire paragraph immediately after describing a student. It is a good idea to give the students a chance to think about what you are saying before you explain why you have described them.Fifth, you need to emphasize the importance of the topic. This does not mean that you have to advertise the topic. What you want to do is get your point across right from the beginning. This will give the students an idea of what the topic is and why it is important to them.Sixth, if you want to learn more about ways to describe what is in a seventh grade course, then you need to learn more about eighth grade. In eighth grade the school year is split up into two years. This means that the students have to study only during the first year.So, as your student gets older you can teach them about n ew subjects and about ways to describe something. This is a very helpful skill that can be used as a teacher. It is also useful as a way to inspire the students to continue to learn and improve their writing skills.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Sociology Reflection Coursework - 550 Words
Sociology Reflection Coursework (Coursework Sample) Content: NameProfessorCourse TitleDateReflection PaperIn simple terms, sociology is a discipline that allows people to understand different social structures and connections that form a society. Precisely, sociology seeks to unravel what it means for a person to belong to a particular community or society. As a discipline, sociology questions the manner in and purpose for which distinct groups are formed with an additional focus on clarifying questions about different modes of interaction such as online and face-to-face conversations.Similarly, sociology covers the study of various institutions pertinent to shaping social action. Typically, a social institution is described as a sophisticated and distinctive subcomponent of a community responsible for regulating human conduct. For example, the political institution influences the manner in which diverse groups define what is moral and right. Essentially, the family is also an institution that unravels perceptions about gender, sex, childbearing among other aspects of human life.Usually, individuals in the society explain their difficulties or challenges in relation to their life history and experiences. Often, such persons lack the understanding of the complex connections between personal lives and the history of other people around them or far away in different parts of the world. Admittedly, the concept of "sociological imagination" is useful in helping people to derive meaning from the links between place, history, and biography. More specifically, sociological imagination helps persons to examine their problems and achievements from a societal view. In respect to this perspective, individuals regard the society as the cause of their successes or problems that befall them. Sociological imagination varies among different societies. While some societies have a higher level of sociological imagination, others have lost it and some have not obtained it even by the slightest level. In fact, those societies lacking sociological imagination are characterized with social injustice, illiteracy, persecution, and poverty. On the other hand, the advanced nations with broader freedoms are the ones that recognized the relevance of sociological imagination and thrived under its application.In most situations, people base their thoughts about the social world on what they hear from news reports, family members, workmates, and friends among others. However, building perceptions because of what other people say is not a reliable approach to understanding the society. In fact, studying sociology provides skills essential for conducting empirical research to assess whether perceptions are supported by evidence or facts. For exampl...
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Rising Youth Obesity Rates in America - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2023 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/03/22 Category Health Essay Level High school Tags: Obesity Essay Obesity in America Essay Did you like this example?  Rising Youth Obesity Rates in America and How to Lower them Chris Liberta Intro Childhood obesity is one of the biggest health risks of the 21st century. In 2014, the global number of overweight children under the age of 5 years was estimated to be over 42 million, 31 million of them living in developing countries (Farpour-Lambert 2015). The number of obese people youths has been increasing for the last two decades. Some shocking statistics that I found were that according to the 2015-2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination survey, the number of white youths who were labeled as having obesity was 14.1%. Another set of shocking stats for obese youths is that 20.6% of youths aged from 12-17 had obesity with 7.7% of them having severe obesity (NHANES). There are several different factors that have assisted the rate of obesity to increase over the years in youths. Some examples are that children do not have full control over their meals, convenience of fast food restaurants, majority of unhealthier foods are less expensive, and the struggles of living a healthy lifestyle. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Rising Youth Obesity Rates in America" essay for you Create order There are several factors that help contribute to the rising obesity rate in youths. There needs to be just as many factors that help halt the rate of obese in youths as there are rising it. Some solutions to our obesity problem could be new zoning laws, changing schools approach to food and exercise, analyzing a five year plan created by the Americas, and educating the population on the crisis. What is obesity The center of disease and prevention website defines obesity as having excess body fat as well as being above the 95th percentile for their body mass index. the CDC says that some of the factors that contribute to obesity in youths are metabolism, sleep, physical activity, and your environment. All the factors that were just listed are all controllable by the individual. Majority of the causes are impacted by your environment and behaviors. The exercise you do, the food you eat, and the community you live in. What you are at risk for when obese as a child There are many long term risks that come from being obese and there are worse consequences for the obese youth. These risks can be physically, socially, or even emotionally damaging to the well being of youths. Some examples of health conditions that they are at risk for are asthma, sleep apnea, bone and joint problems, diabetes, and heart complications (CDC). Obese children are more likely to be bullied in school which can lead to depression, a lower self esteem, and isolation (CDC). A study was conducted by Tracy Waasdorp, Krista Mehari, and Catherine P. Bradshaw looks more into the connection between weight and getting bullied. Waasdorp and her colleagues discuss the struggles for obese youth. There is a lot of fear that the obese children are at a much higher risk of being bullied, not fitting in socially, and internalizing the struggles of being overweight. At the beginning of 2018 this study was conducted that attempted to see if obesity is linked to bullying and internalizing the symptoms. The researchers anonymously surveyed over 43,000 students in 107 different high school and middle school students in Maryland. Bullying was broken up into three different categories for the sake of the study. Under these three categories there were 11 different behaviors that students answered questions in their survey about these behaviors occurring to them. The three categories are relational, verbal, and physical. A example of relational victimization would be spreading rumors or lies about another student. Verbal victimization behaviors were teasing or making fun of another student. The third category is physical which means a student was getting hit by another. Before students got to answer the survey questions on getting bullied they filled out questions about themselves so the researchers could categorize each student by age, race, weight, etc. Bullying increases the chance of internalize problems which leads to depression and anxiety. It was concluded from this study that obese and overweight youths were at an increased risk of experiencing victimization in schools from other students. Obese students were at a higher risk for physical victimization than overweight youths. These findings are all consistent with previous literature too. Causes of Obesity in Youth After reading many studies it has became clear that there is not just one cause of the rising rate of obese youths. Many changes to our environment and culture have been the causes for the rise. Some of the causes that have become a larger factor over the last few decades are fast food restaurants, sugary beverages, portion size, amount of physical activity, and various environmental factors. First off there is fast food restaurants and their contribution to the rising obesity rate in youths. Fast food restaurants are utilized for their low prices, conveniency, and filling meals. What the consumer gains from saving money and filling their stomachs. They lose from minimal nutritious value and extra calories. From 1990-2007, while the prices of healthy, fresh foods remained about the same, the price of fast-foods and soft drinks fell 12% and 32% (Lydon 2011). Fast food restaurants have been catering their menus and prices to people who want cheap filling meals that are easy to get too. Families with two parents who both have full time jobs often dine at fast food restaurants strictly for their convenience. Single parent families also visit fast food restaurants often in order to save some money. Such availability has led to both over consumption and under nourishment, especially in lower income neighborhoods that fail to offer healthier alternatives (Lydon 2011). Krushnapriya Sahoo published a paper in 2015 discussing the causes and consequences of childhood obesity. She discussed her findings after examining a observational study where researchers observed the eating habits of lean and overweight people eating at fast food resta urants. It was concluded that both types of people consumed more calories than they would had with an average meal, The big difference was that lean people tended to make up for the surge of calories from the fast food restaurant. They would adjust their meals before or after the fast food so that the overall calories in their day did not change too much. This implies that overweight people are still having the same sized meals during the day plus a full fast food meal. Three more smaller causes that Sahoo discusses is the increase of sugary drinks, snack foods, and a larger portion size into our culture. Sahoo talks about a study in 1996 that looked at how sugary drinks impacted BMI in youths. It was that concluded that childrens BMI increased by small amounts each year with the introduction of sugary drinks (Sahoo 2015). These drinks can be soda, juices, or any type of sweetened beverages. The thought process is that these drinks provide extra sugar, minimal nutritional value, and they are not filling you up so you have multiple drinks. People are also snacking often throughout their days. Majority of snack foods lack nutritional value and are just adding more and more calories to youths days. Sahoo cited that Research found that taste, hunger, then price are the most important factors in adolescents food choices (Story 2002). This supports the idea of children will choose better tasting and less nutritious meals or snacks over a more nutritious option. The last cause that I will discuss is that food is often used as reinforcement in schools, parenting, and as a type of celebration. Food is awarded to children in schools for good behavior. I remember being in first grade and my class earning a pizza party or a ice cream party if we were all good for a month straight. This only helps children associate sweets and unhealthy foods as prizes. This continues as kids keep progressing through school. Second, Students would often bring in goody bags of candy on their birthday to hand out to all their classmates as well. Our culture associates candy, junk food, and baked desserts with holidays, birthdays, and celebratory situations. This only helps children associate these foods to good experiences which can create a association of junk food to pleasure and happiness. Genetics A big question that is often discussed when talking about obesity is how genetics play into it. Genetics can help excell the process of becoming obese or make a person more prone to the disease. However, your genetics can not cause you to become obese. Some studies have found that BMI is between 25% and 40% heritable (Sahoo 2015). Genetics needs to be matched up with certain certain behaviors to cause someone to become obese. Another reason I believe genetics gets confused from being a cause of obesity is because of family dynamics. Parents choose foods to keep in the house as well as prepare meals for their children. This leads to children eating just like their parents. Which I believe can be easily confused with genetics when children are simply eating the same unhealthy meals and snacks as their parents. Someone does have a higher probability of becoming overweight or obese if their parents are overweight or obese. There are many reasons why this correlation exists, not just due to genetics. Healthy Lifestyle difficulties Eating unhealthy has only gotten easier and easier over the years. Fast food prices have dropped a significant amount (Lydon 2011). More fast food locations have opened, soft drinks are everywhere, and exercising has been gotten more difficult for youths. Sedentary behaviors have increased with the implementation of laptops in schools and iphones at home. Kids are playing a lot more video games, watching more shows, and staring at screens a significant amount more than their parents did. This only increases the chances of youths becoming overweight due to the lack of physical activity. Environments have also impacted the number of chances children have of getting physical exercise. Parents are more cautious about where they are letting their children play. Children do not walk or ride bikes to school as much anymore. Parents reasoning for this was that there were not many safe walking routes for their kids, fear of predators, and that it is not convenient for their kid to walk (Sahoo 2015). References Bassett, D. R., Jr., Pucher, J., Buehler, R., Thompson, D. L., Crouter, S. E. (2008). Walking, cycling, and obesity rates in Europe, North America, and Australia. Journal of Physical Activity Health, 5(6), 795â€Å"814. Retrieved from Etienne, C. F. (2014). Countries pledge action to reduce child obesity in the Americas. The Lancet, 384(9959), 2021. Farpour-Lambert, N. J., Baker, J. L., Hassapidou, M., Holm, J. C., Nowicka, P., OMalley, G., Weiss, R. (2015). Childhood Obesity Is a Chronic Disease Demanding Specific Health Carea Position Statement from the Childhood Obesity Task Force (COTF) of the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO). Obesity facts, 8(5), 342-9. Lydon, C., Rohmeier, K., Yi, S., Mattaini, M., Williams, W. (2011). How Far Do You Have to Go to Get a Cheeseburger Around Here? The Realities of an Environmental Design Approach to Curbing the Consumption of Fast-Food. Behavior and Social Issues, 20, 6-23. doi: National Obesity Rates Trends. (n.d.). Retrieved from Pretlow, R. (2010). Whats really causing the childhood obesity epidemic? What kids say. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, 5(Suppl 1), 28. Retrieved from Rasmussen, N. (2015). Stigma and the addiction paradigm for obesity: Lessons from 1950s America. Addiction, 110(2), 217â€Å"225. Sahoo, K., Sahoo, B., Choudhury, A. K., Sofi, N. Y., Kumar, R., Bhadoria, A. S. (2015). Childhood obesity: causes and consequences. Journal of family medicine and primary care, 4(2), 187-92. Story, Mary Neumark-Sztainer, Dianne French, Simone. (2002). Individual and Environmental Influences on Adolescent Eating Behaviors. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 102. S40-51. 10.1016/S0002-8223(02)90421-9. Waasdorp, T. E., Mehari, K., Bradshaw, C. P. (2018). Obese and overweight youth: Risk for experiencing bullying victimization and internalizing symptoms. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 88(4), 483-491.
Monday, May 18, 2020
A Rough Past The History Of Nursing Homes Essay
A Rough Past: The History of Nursing Homes One thing every living organism has in common on this planet-- age. No one wants to age or face the fact that aging is inevitable. However, since it’s impossible to beat the never ending time clock that is life; everyone wants to be as comfortable as possible when age finally does catch up with them. When the majority of people think of comfortability in old age, they think of living in their own homes and being surrounded by their loved ones. Not many individuals want to be placed into a nursing home type facility because they can’t imagine themselves being comfortable that way. Nonetheless, even though being placed in a home does take away some of an elderly person’s independence, usually the independence lost is in activities that person can no longer do for themselves. Indeed, nursing homes do have their own set of scary stories behind them; life lost, independence lost, and privacy lost, yet many of those stories ar e outdated. Upon investigation, it would be easy for anyone to scare themselves out of a nursing facility due to the stories that are out there. Yet, upon even further research people would be able to see how far the United States has come in their development and evolution of nursing care facilities. The care of the elderly in the form of nursing homes has faced a tough evolution starting off with a harsh past, to what nursing homes are like now, and what people can expect for the future of these homes. ForShow MoreRelatedLadder1385 Words  | 6 Pagespretty venerable situation, even before her diagnosis of Osteosarcoma. Being a teenager is difficult and confusing time, as their hormones and emotions run rampant affecting their thoughts and impressions of things, but she also comes from a troubled home. Overhearing the head nurse obviously fueled her already loss of self, place in the world, and worthlessness and that she was just a burden. Her â€Å"Mias†interpretation of both facts, interpretations, and beliefs, lead her to ultimately not seek treatmentRead MoreDorothea Dix’s Effects on Asylum Reform, the Civil War, and Adolescent Minds 961 Words  | 4 PagesDorothea Lynde Dix is a famous woman in history that has been commemorated for her many helpful contributions to the world. Throughout her life span, she singlehandedly bestowed her assistance to individuals, states, and even full countries. She is known for many small, well-rounded triumphs but when summed up, all equate to a large portion of kind, beneficial deeds and charitable works. Dorothea Dix left an impact on the world through her efforts of sharing her teachings with others, the treatmentRead MorePreventing Falls Among The Elderly Population1390 Words  | 6 Pagesof the elderly population aged over 64 years experience at least one fall a year. Past studies link falls to extrinsic factors and intrinsic factors. An example of intrinsic factors includes medical problems while one extrinsic factor involves environmental hazards. Comprehensively, falls result from muscle weaknesses, gait deficits, usage of assistive devices, cognitive impairments, arthritis, advanced age and history of falls (Fong, Siu, Yeung, Cheung, Chan, 2011). This paper proposes a researchRead MoreGraduation Speech : The Sun Rises1309 Words  | 6 Pageswork a part-time job at a local nursing home where I serve residents dinner. I enjoy my job and I spend a lot of my time at work socializing with some of these residents whom I can call friends. Most of the residents are lonely. They don’t have family or friends visit them frequently and don’t have anyone to talk to. I take pride in being these residents’ friend. I always make sure to greet them with a smile and ask them how they are doing even if I’m having a rough day. It is always important toRead MoreNursing : A Important And Interesting Job1798 Words  | 8 Pages Introduction Nursing is a very important and interesting job to humankind. This profession has been around and helping people for many years going way past the Civil War; nursing is also noticed in the Bible. Nurses can be found in many different places including Hospitals and Elderly Homes. In this paper there is going to be information about the history of nursing, all the types of nursing, also very important people in nursing such asnamed Clara Barton, Christiane Reimann, and Florence NightingaleRead MorePack the Bags for Sweden1134 Words  | 5 Pagesis free which gives all the chance to become all they can be. â€Å"The Swedish system for higher education is considered to be open and relatively uniform, as it comprises all types of post-secondary education, including professional programs such as nursing and teacher training. The education is free of charge and is publicly funded and based on students registration and performance†(Thunborg, Bron, Edstrom 2013). Now books and r ooming is not free, but to not have to worry about paying constant tuitionRead MoreValues, Social, And Professional Behavior Essay1753 Words  | 8 Pagesaction and decision we make. Values motivate ethical, social, and professional behavior. (Rassin, 2008, p. 614-615). According to Roakeach’s Values Theory (1973), values are learned criteria that surface from culture, social groups, education, and past experience (as cited in Rassin, 2008, p. 615). The evolution of values, affected by these many factors, make them both static and changing. As we navigate life and grow personally, awareness of who we are and the behaviors that we value transferRead MoreThe Indian Act1558 Words  | 7 Pagesthe questions above first, and to do that I am looking at multiple papers, some to do with Native Americans specifically, and others to get the sexual health in women with psychosocial problems. Sources: #1 Last updated 2009. Found online October 29, 2015. This source is the go to for my first look into the Indian Act as well as The Residential Schools System. It is essentially a researched wiki put forward by theRead MoreNursing : A Total Knee Replacement ( Tka ) Is The Most Common Joint Surgery Performed?2063 Words  | 9 Pages Perioperative Nursing Written Paper Robyn Weiner New York University College of Nursing Spring 2015 A total knee replacement (TKA) is the most common joint surgery performed in the United States (Turner, 2011, pp. 27-32). Each year, over 650,000 Americans undergo this surgery (Wittig-Wells, 2015, pp. 45-49). It is an invasive surgery that involves an incision on top of the knee and replacing damaged parts of the knee with artificial parts that are either metal, ceramicRead MoreMedical Health Promotion And Disease Prevention Plan1467 Words  | 6 Pagesproblem, rather than investigate the past issues that might have cause certain psychiatric symptoms. Part 3: Personal Theoretical framework Part 4: Application of Theory My theory can be applied to one of my cases in previous discussion. Angela is a 15-year-old bi-racial female, with a history of depressive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and borderline personality disorder. Angela is also well known for her history of running away, violence, and extensive
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Pros And Cons Of Tackle Football - 1161 Words
Youth tackle football is a popular sport for children today but this sport can have pros and cons. One of the most controversial sport that a child can play is tackle football. Tackle football is a full contact sport. In any full contact sport, there are risks like concussions, injuries and the lasting effects of those injures. There are also pros in playing this sport like teamwork, sportsmanship, character, and exercise. Youth football can also have psychological pros and cons that can affect the children that play this sport. If you are considering having your child play youth tackle football you should review all the pros and cons of playing before you make a decision. Cons of Youth Football Football has its cons just like any†¦show more content†¦While the majority of coaches are good coaches there are some who can do damage. These coaches have a â€Å"win-at-all-costs†mentality and can be really hard on the kids if they are not winning. Another psychological effect is inapposite feeling of superiority. The obsession with sport in our society can put an inflated sense of self on a child. If they are constantly winning or always making touchdowns they feel unstoppable. (Ph.D., 2015) â€Å"We must also recognize that participation in football, and team sports in general, has major benefits for fitness and character building. Participation in sports counters the major public health issues of obesity and, perhaps more importantly, the â€Å"disengagement†that we all observe in kids these days. Every parent of a teen, and even young children, realizes that a â€Å"virtual†world has often replaced the real, live interactions kids used t o regularly experience. I strongly believe that participation in team sports has a major positive influence on youth, and we cannot discount the positive impact of this aspect of football. Ultimately, if a child is passionate about football and no other sport or activity, they are almost certainly better off playing football than being inactive and alone.†(Ph.D., 2015) Pros of Youth Football When playing football, you have to work together, no one person can win or lose a game. Children will learn how to count on one another and trust your team mates. Learning teamwork skills will helpShow MoreRelatedFactors That Affect Our Everyday Lives968 Words  | 4 Pagesfirst year in football, and helping my friend with depression. One decision that I made in my life that affects me greatly is when I chose to go to Carlsbad instead of Sage Creek. When I was in the middle of deciding, I listed the pros and cons if I went to either school. One example about the pros of going to Carlsbad High is they have a football team, my older sister already goes to Carlsbad High, the people that go to Carlsbad are typically more laid back/relaxed and so on. Some pros I thought ofRead MoreEssay The Danger in Youth Sports1694 Words  | 7 Pages It was a bright, sunny, hot day at the end of august. Our football team had an amazing offensive line as we were stacked with linemen each exceeding over 200 pounds. There were many pressures on us to be a very good team and they pushed us all very hard to be the best. Practice five days a week with lifting on the other two days, no days off was our motto! Our scrimmage had gone very well that day and as it was coming to an end, the starters were out and we were taking our pads off w hen I heardRead MoreQuarterback Mobility And Its Impact On College Football Programs1541 Words  | 7 Pagespassing skills. Teams such as Carolina, Seattle, Washington, etc have been modifying their offense to best utilize the players skills, namely by implementing the zone read option offense. The zone read is a popular college offense, and in fact college football programs have for decades utilized several types of run option offenses. For various reasons, these systems have been deemed unsuitable in the NFL. A recap of the strength and weakness of both generic and specific run option offenses is presentedRead MoreCollege Athletes Should Be Paid1271 Words  | 6 PagesTimes, the 15 highest-paid NCAA football coaches made $53.4 million; meanwhile, the 13,877 Division I players made $0 In the article â€Å"College athletes ask court to reconsider part of ruling in NCAA pay case†Dan Levine is reporting that college athletes want to be paid. â€Å"College athletes asked a U.S. appeals court on Wednesday to revisit part of a ruling in a high profile case brought by athletes seeking a slice of the billions of dollars universities reap from football and basketball.†Finding theRead MoreCollege Athletes Should Not Be Paid2377 Words  | 10 Pagesmoney that goes in and out of sports, College players shouldn’t get any sort of payment from their school. College athletes should absolutely not be paid they are not professionals in any way shape or form. They are student athletes that are playing football for the school. The athletes already are put on scholarship and get money from the school there’s no need to get any extra incentives because there food, travel, and shelter is all paid for for the most part during the season so there s really noRead MoreThe Ncaa And Cbs Signed A 10.8 Billion Television Agreement Over 14 Years1371 Words  | 6 Pageslikenesses in the NCAA Football video game series. For the schools that have players who become popular. An athletic scholarship doesn’t cover all of a player’s costs. Studies have shown that, â€Å"on average, a college athlete’s scholarship leaves them about $3,200 short of the costs of attending college each year†(Kenneth Quinnell). The school will use the player’s name and popularity to make a profit for the school. Being a college student-athlete is a lot of work because, for football they have to wakeRead MoreDeforestation : A Global Problem1624 Words  | 7 Pagesthe pros and cons and what are the effects of deforestation. Overall I will prove why all of my artifacts prove the importance of deforestation and how we can stop and make a change. By the end of my argument you will be persuaded to help stop this world crisis. What is Deforestation? Deforestation is clearing earth’s forests on a huge scale usually resulting in damage of the land. Around 13 million hectares of forest and lost each year between 2005 and 2015 which is equivalent to 30 football fieldsRead MoreFeeding For The Pregnant Mom With A Toddler982 Words  | 4 Pagesfamily members, strangers, and even hospital staff will judge you in a negative way, again, because it is not widely accepted in the US culture. A good response is to say: o â€Å"I have researched the pros and cons of this tandem feeding method and found it to be safe and works well for our family.†This works well because those who are judging usually have not read up on the method. Finding a support group can help you see the positives in what you haveRead MoreMba 5652 Unit 1 Assignment - Research Proposal Topic2527 Words  | 11 PagesMBA 5652 Unit 1 Research Proposal Topic Exercise 1 My top ten research topics that I find interesting to pursue are the following: (1) approach for extra ( increase in minimum wage) income and advertising, (2) concussions in football, (3) should transportation security (TSA) regulations be changed ?, (4) should regulations regarding the use of cellular phones while driving be standardized ?, (5) should driving under the influence (DUI) laws be changed ?, (6) concealed guns be permitted in storesRead MoreUnder Armour3534 Words  | 15 Pagesbeen well received by athletes. The company currently enjoys a strong position as professional athletes and movie and video game creators clamor for its products. Nevertheless, if Under Armour wishes to say on top of its game, it will have to tackle several issues head on that could negatively impact the company in the future if they are not addressed. To name a few, Under Armour will have to deal with the potential of an economic downturn and declining retail sales, its suppliers who currently
Income Statement With Owners Equity Stand -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Income Statement With Owners Equity Stand? Answer: Introducation As evident from the above stated income statement it can be said that the net profit that has been transferred to capital accounting stood 7285. Cash Budget for the period 2018 Particulars Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Opening Balance 600 3533.75 5467.5 6401.25 Receipts Cash Receipts 3500 2500 1500 2500 Total 4100 6033 6967 8901 Expenses Overheads 275 275 275 275 Selling Expense 291.25 291.25 291.25 291.25 Total 566 566 566 566 Closing Balance 3533 5467 6401 8335 Cash receipts for the first year = 50*70 = 3500 Cash receipts for the Second quarter = 50*50 = 2500 Cash receipts for the Third quarter = 50*30 = 1500 Cash receipts for the Fourth quarter = 50*50 = 2500 Opening Balance = Opening Balance Closing Balance The closing amount of cash budget at the end of the fourth quarter stood 8335. Julia Schlussier Co Balance Sheet January 31-12-2018 Assets Amount () Amount () Current Assets Cash 8335 Prepaid Insurance 260 Prepaid Road Tax 120 Total Current Assets 8715 Non-Current Assets Tangible Assets Scooter 1500 Less: Depreciation 300 1200 Photo Camera 2500 Less: Depreciation 500 2000 Computer 1600 Less: Depreciation 400 1200 Intangible Assets Software 800 Less: Depreciation 200 600 Total Non-current Assets 5000 Total Assets 13715 Liabilities and stockholder Equity Current Liabilities Current portion of Parents loan 400 Total Current Liability 400 Long-Term Liabilities Parents Loan 1600 Less: Repayment 400 1200 Total Liabilities 2000 Stockholders Equity 2850 Net Profit (tranferred from P/L A/c) 7665 Total Liabilities and Stockholders Equity 13715 As evident from the balance sheet, that Julia Co has the equal balance of the total assets and total liabilities. The net profit has been transferred to balance sheet from the income statement with owners equity standing 3230. References Deegan, C. (2013). Financial accounting theory. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Edwards, J. R. (2013).A History of Financial Accounting (RLE Accounting)(Vol. 29). Routledge. Weil, R. L., Schipper, K., Francis, J. (2013).Financial accounting: an introduction to concepts, methods and uses. Cengage Learning. Williams, J. (2014).Financial accounting. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Sbi Change Management free essay sample
Change is inequitable; not a respecter of persons. Change is for the better or for the worst, depending on where you view it. Change has an adjustment period, which varies on the individual. It is uncomfortable, for changing from one state to the next upsets our control over outcomes. Change has a ripping effect on those who won’t let go. Change is awkward at first. Change is a muscle that develops to abundantly enjoy the dynamics of the life set before us. Change calls own strength beyond anyone of us. Change pushes you to do your personal best. Change draws out those poised for a new way. Change isn’t for chickens. Change does have casualties of those defeated. Change will cause us to churn or to learn. Change changes the speed of time. Time is so slow for the reluctant, and yet it is a whirlwind for those who embrace it. Change is more fun to do than to be done to. Change seeks a better place at the end and is complete when you realize you are different. Change Management: Change management is a set of processes that is employed to ensure that significant changes are implemented in an orderly, controlled and systematic fashion to effect organizational change. One of the goals of change management is with regards to the human aspects of overcoming resistance to change in order for organizational members to buy into change and achieve the organizations goal of an orderly and effective transformation. Organizational change management takes into consideration both the processes and tools that managers use to make changes at an organizational level. Most organizations want change implemented with the least resistance and with the most buy-in as possible. For this to occur, change must be applied with a structured approach so that transition from one type of behavior to another organization wide will be smooth. SBI: State Bank of India is the largest state-owned banking and financial services company in India, by almost every parameter revenues, profits, assets, market capitalization, etc. The bank traces its ancestry to British India, through the Imperial Bank of India, to the founding in 1806 of the Bank of Calcutta, making it the oldest commercial bank in the Indian Subcontinent. The Government of India nationalised the Imperial Bank of India in 1955, with the Reserve Bank of India taking a 60% stake, and renamed it the State Bank of India. In 2008, the Government took over the stake held by the Reserve Bank of India. SBI provides a range of banking products through its vast network of branches in India and overseas, including products aimed at NRIs. The State Bank Group, with over 16,000 branches, has the largest banking branch network in India. With an asset base of $260 billion and $195 billion in deposits, it is a banking behemoth. It has a market share among Indian commercial banks of about 20% in deposits and advances, and SBI accounts for almost one-fifth of the nations loans. * The State bank of India is the 29th most reputed company in the world according to Forbes. * State Bank of India is the largest of the Big Four Banks of India, along with ICICI Bank, Axis Bank and HDFC Bank  its main competitors. Change Trigger: Liberalisation of the Indian Banking system: During the 1990s, the Indian economy began a period of rapid growth as the countrys low labor costs, intellectual capital, and improving telecommunications technology allowed India to offer its commercial services on a global basis. This growth was also aided by the governments decision to allow the creation of private-sector banks (they had been nationalized in the 1960s) Private sector banks made their first appearance in January 1993. The private-sector banks, such as ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank, altered the banking landscape in India. Core banking systems and electronic delivery channels that allowed these banks to introduce new products and provide greater convenience to customers acted as a hurdle for the PSBs. During that period, Public Sector Banks accounted for over three-fourths of total banking industry assets. They were weighed down with huge NPAs(Non-Performing Assets), falling revenues, lack of modern technology and a massive and highly unionized workforce. New entrants began to erode the market share of the nationalized banks, especially in metro cities and urban areas. The PSBs found it increasingly difficult to compete with the new private sector banks and the foreign banks. These banks also employed state-of-the-art technology, which helped them to save on manpower costs and concentrate on providing better service. Changes in SBI: Drivers for a New Core System Though SBI had undertaken a massive computerization effort in the 1990s to automate all of its branches, implementing a highly customized version of Kindle Banking Systems Bankmaster core banking system (now owned by Misys). However, because of the banks historic use of local processing and the lack of reliable telecommunications in some areas, it deployed a distributed system with operations located at each branch. Although the computerization improved the efficiency and accuracy of the branches, the local implementation restricted customers use to their local branches and inhibited the introduction of new banking products and centralization of operations functions. The local implementation prevented the bank from easily gaining a single view of corporate accounts, and management lacked readily available information needed for decision making and strategic planning. The advantages in products and efficiency of the private-sector banks became increasing evident in the late 1990s as SBI (and Indias other public-sector banks) lost existing customers and could not attract the rapidly growing middle market in India. In fact, this technology-savvy market segment viewed the public-sector banks as technology laggards that could not meet their banking needs. In 2002, SBI adopted a new technology that included the implementation of a new centralized core banking system. This effort encompasses the largest 3,300 branches of the bank that were located in city and suburban areas. The State Bank of Indias objectives for its project to modernize core systems included: †¢ The delivery of new product capabilities to all customers, including those in rural areas †¢ The unification of processes across the bank to realize operational efficiencies and improve customer service. Provision of a single customer view of all accounts †¢ The ability to merge the affiliate banks into SBI †¢ Support for all SBI existing products †¢ Reduced customer wait times in branches †¢ Reversal of the customer attrition trend Challenges for the bank: The bank faced several extraordinary challenges in implementing a centralized core processing system. These challenges included finding a new core system that could process approximately 75 mil lion accounts daily  a number greater than any bank in the world was processing on a centralized basis. Moreover, the bank lacked experience in implementing centralized systems, and its large employee base took great pride in executing complex transactions on local in-branch systems. This practice led some people to doubt that the employees would effectively use the new system. Initial Conversion Project: The conversion effort began in August 2003, when SBI converted three pilot branches to the BaNCS system. The successful conversion and operation of the pilot branches was followed by the conversion of 350 retail branches with high-net-worth customers between August 2003 and September 2004. At this point, the bank intentionally halted the conversions to analyze and resolve reported problems. After the software and procedural changes were implemented, SBI converted an additional 800 branches between December 2004 and March 2005. Unlike in the previous conversions, this group of branches included predominantly commercially oriented offices. The conversion effort then refocused on retail branches until November 2005, when the bank paused again to resolve problems that came up during this second group of conversions. After the second round of changes, the system and processes were functioning smoothly, and management believed the branch conversion could be accelerated. Based on the successful pilot survey, SBI decided to convert the approximately 6,700 remaining SBI branches to the BaNCS system. The conversion of the remaining branches began in June 2006, with the stated goal of completing the conversion by year-end 2008. Managing the change: The factors which helped SBI in managing such a huge change are as follows: * Senior management commitment. The project was driven by the chairman of SBI, who met every month with the information technology (IT) and the business sector heads. The chairman monitored the overall status and ensured that sufficient resources were allocated to the project. TCS senior managers were thoroughly committed to the project as well and periodically met with the SBI chairman to review the project status. †¢ Staffing and empowerment of project team. The core banking team consisted of the banks managing director of IT acting as team head and 75 business and IT people selected by the bank. TCS also staffed the project with approximately 300 IT professionals trained on the BaNCS system. Importantly, the SBI business people were viewed not just as contributors to a key project but as future bank leaders. This team reported to the SBI chairman and was empowered with all decision-making authority. †¢ Ownership by business heads. The regional business line heads were responsible for the success of conversion of their respective branches and reported the status to the chairman. Thus, the business heads objectives were aligned with those of the project team. Focus on training: SBI used its network of 58 training centers across India to train employees on the new system. TCS personnel first educated approximately 100 SBI professional trainers, who then trained 100,000 SBI employees at the centers; the remaining employees trained at their respective job sites. Benefits of New Core Systems Implementation The new core system has resulted in benefits throughout the bank for b oth the customers and the employees of SBI. For example, the new core banking system has allowed the bank to redesign processes. It established 400 regional processing centers for all metro and urban branches that have assumed functions previously performed in the individual branches. The customers after implementation of this CBS system were no longer only the â€Å"customer of the branch is no longer only the customer of the branch but has also became the customer of the bank†. Meaning, they can carry out any transaction in any branch of the bank. After implementation of this system the bank has reversed the trend of customer attrition and is now gaining new market share.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Taoism Essays (1862 words) - Reincarnation, Taoism, Shabda
Taoism annon It is always present in you. You can use it anyway you want. -- Lao-tzu Taoism is one of the two great philosophical and religious traditions that originated in China. The other philosophy native to China is Confucianism. Both Taoism and Confucianism began at about the same time, around the sixth century B.C. China's third great religion, Buddhism, came to China from India around the second century of the common era. Together, these three faiths have shaped Chinese life and thought for nearly twenty-five hundred years. One dominate concept in Taoism and Buddhism is the belief in some form of reincarnation. The idea that life does not end when one dies is an integral part of these religions and the culture of the Chinese people. Although not accepted by our beliefs, its understanding helps build strength in our own religion. Reincarnation, life after death, beliefs are not standardized between the religions. Each religion has a different way of applying this concept to its beliefs. Ignorance of these beliefs is a sign of weakness in the mind. To truly understand ones own religion, one must also understand those concepts of the other religions of the world. Hopefully this will be an enlightenment on the reincarnation concepts as they apply to Taoism and Buddhism. The goal in Taoism is to achieve tao, to find the way. Tao is the ultimate reality, a presence that existed before the universe was formed and which continues to guide the world and everything in it. Tao is sometimes identified as the Mother, or the source of all things. That source is not a god or a supreme being as with Christians, for Taoism is not monotheistic. The focus is not to worship one god, but instead on coming into harmony with tao. Tao is the essence of everything that is right, and complications exist only because people choose to complicate their own lives. Desire, ambition, fame, and selfishness are seen as hindrances to a harmonious life. It is only when one rids himself of all desires can tao be achieved. By shunning every earthly distraction, the Taoist is able to concentrate on life itself. The longer the one's life, the closer to tao one is presumed to have become. Eventually the hope is to become immortal, to achieve tao, to have reached the deeper life. This is the afterlife for a Taoist -- to be in harmony with the universe. To understand the relationship between life and the Taoism concept of life and death, the origin of the word tao must be understood. The Chinese character for tao is a combination of two characters that represent the words head and foot. The character for foot represents a person's direction or path. The character for head represents a conscious choice. The character for head also suggests a beginning, and foot, an ending. Thus the character for tao also conveys the continuing course of the universe, the circle of heaven and earth. Finally, the character for tao represents the Taoist notion that the eternal Tao is both moving and unmoving. The head in the character means the beginning, the source of all things, or Tao itself, which never moves or changes; the foot is the movement on the path. Taoism upholds the belief in the survival of the spirit after death. To have attained the human form must be always a source of joy for the Taoist. It is truly a reason to rejoice because despite whatever is lost, life always endures. Taoists believe birth is not a beginning and death is not an end. There is an existence without limit. There is continuity without a starting point. Applying reincarnation theory to Taoism is the belief that the soul never dies, a person's soul is eternal. It is possible to see death in contrast to life; both are unreal and changing. One's soul does not leave the world into the unknown, for it can never go away. Therefore there is no fear to come with death. In the writings of The Tao Te Ching, tao is described as having existed before heaven and earth. Tao is formless; it stands alone without change and reaches everywhere without harm. The Taoist is told to use the light that is inside to revert to the natural clearness of sight. By divesting oneself of all external distractions and desires, one can achieve tao. In ancient days, a Taoist that had transcended birth and death and achieved tao was said to have cut the Thread of Life. The soul, or spirit, is Taoism does not die at death. The
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Steven Spielberg Saving Private Ryan Essay Example
Steven Spielberg Saving Private Ryan Essay Example Steven Spielberg Saving Private Ryan Essay Steven Spielberg Saving Private Ryan Essay Essay Topic: Film Saving Private Ryan was directed by Steven Spielberg and it was first released on September 11th 1998. The film was based on the world war two, it was a pivotal event of the 20th century and a defining moment for America and the world, some of the leading actors in the film are Tom Hanks (captain Miller), Tom Sizemore (sergeant Horvath), Edward Burns (private Reiben) and Matt Damon (private Ryan). In the film the desiderated colour gives the war scene a great effect and the handheld cameras again add to the reality of these scenes and capture a lot of detail which makes it seem very realistic, Steven Spielberg wants to show the ugly side of war by having great detail in the battles, they are very shocking and the use of handheld cameras catch every drop of blood that sheds from every soldiers. Spielberg did not want to glamorise the events of Omaha beach and the opening sequence he is determined to show the true reality, I think the first scene suggests this by showing the American flag flying above the graves of American soldiers and shows the outcome of war and this is certainly not alluring, it shows how the war is so dark and horrific. In the first scene Private Ryan is an old man cautiously walking through the masses of graves, and suddenly pauses and falls to his knees, busting into streams of tears; Spielberg shows us how much sorrow war brings to peoples lives. When the camera zooms into Private Ryans eyes you can actually see the sheer hurt in his eyes and the transition takes place when we almost see the cold icy sea in his mournful eyes, we then hear the waves crashing against the Americans boat, the colour fades and the fear we see in Private Ryans eyes turns into the captain Millers eyes. As they approached Omaha beach the sound of machinery is thunderous and the roaring of instructions from the captains can be heard. The soldiers dont even have time to get of the boat when they are brutally slaughtered by the Germans. The soldiers then jump over board into the icy waters, the Germans shoot at them and as they hit the water the bullets are rapidly muted as they hustle through the sea piercing though the soldiers lifeless corpses, the sea turns to an instant red, a sea of blood and massacre, Spielberg continues to show the audience what war is really like. Captain initial reaction is one of shock as he sees dead fish scattered among the bodies of soldiers, human beings. Perhaps Spielberg is trying to convey a sense of a human being, has no greater vale than a fish in this scene, this really shows us what war is like, and the panning view shows the audience the destruction of the war and how futile war is.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
A Practical Guide The 5 Best Ways to Save for College
A Practical Guide The 5 Best Ways to Save for College SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips So you want to be proactive and save for college. Maybe you’re a high school student who wants to build up a college fund for yourself, or maybe you’re a parent or family member who wants to save for a young loved one.No matter your situation, you’re taking a proactive step in making college a little bit more affordable. In this post, I’ll discuss the things you need to know in orderto build, keep, and grow college savings. We'll discuss the fivebest ways to save for college to lower student debt on graduation and take a load off your mind. First, though, I'll talk about the question you should be considering before you implement your savings plan: how much should you be putting away in the first place? Read on to find out! How Much Should You Save? As you might imagine, the answer to this question will be different for everyone. I'll talk about the costs of college, how they're expected to change, and some common savings goals before moving into the nitty-gritty of savings calculations. College is already pretty expensive, with costs varying based on factors like school type, financial need, and academic merit. On average, it costs about $45,000 to attend a private US college for one year, whilethe cost of attendance at an in-state public school averages about $23,000. You can read more about estimating your own expenses with our college cost guide. Although it'scurrently pricey to get a college education, expenses are only increasing year by year. If prices increase at a rate of 5% annually, the total cost of 4 years of college in 18 years could be: $237,000 at an in-state public university $464,000 at a private college or university These sticker prices are definitely intimidating, but it's important to keep in mind that most families aren't shelling out those total amounts in cash in order to pay for school. As of a few years ago, this wasthe average percentage breakdown of how families paid for college (according to the College Board): 5% contributions from relatives and friends 9% parent borrowing, like with a private or PLUS loan % student income and savings 18% student borrowing, like with a Direct loan or Perkins loan 27% parent income and savings 30% grants and scholarships like the Pell Grant Hopefully, this breakdown helps assuage any fears you may have about the process of paying for college. Although it isn't difficult to come up with a currentnet price estimate of college expenses, it may be challenging to do this for students who will attend college in 5, 10, or 15 years. According to one survey, most parents say they hope to pay at least half of their children's college expenses; in the following examples, I'll work with these figures and savings goals to show you how much, exactly, you should stash for the future. Calculating Savings Maybe the most tedious part of saving for college: figuring out what you're comfortable putting away. Ultimately, theamount you decide to save will depend on your family income and expenses. You don’t have to have four years’ worth of expenses (tuition, room, board, fees, etc.) saved up by the time your student’s 18, especially if your family has alower income and you expect toqualify for financial aid like the Pell Grant. It’s hard to predict what sort of aid you willget thatfar in the future, but you canstart with an estimate of what your family will have to pay out of pocketgiven current costs. Once you've come to a savings goal - let's say your full expected family contribution (net price) for convenience's sake - you can figure out how much to put away every pay period. Just divide your total expected contribution for fouryears of collegeby the number of pay periods until your child leaves for school. Here's a basic savings formula for how much you should save per month, assuming your money wouldn't be earning any gains or interest: Monthly savings = Total savings goal à · (Years until college x 12) Let's see how this looks in action: If you have a newborn baby, you'll have 18 years to save for college. You have the advantage of time on your side, but you also know that college costs will rise significantly over the next couple of decades. You estimate that thecost of attendance at a private college will cost about $460,000 by the time your child goes to school, and you want to save half that amount: $230,000. If you stashed your cash in a 0% interest account, you could save $230,000 in 18 years by setting aside $1065 a month If you stashed your money in an account with an average annual rate of return of 6%, you could save $230,000 in 18 years by setting aside $500 a month $500 a month is a lot more reasonable than $1065 a month, but it still may not be withinyour budget. What happens if you save less per month, over 18 years, in that same 6% yield account? If you save $100 a month, you would have $47,000 in 18 years If you save $250 a month, you would have $166,000 in 18 years Ultimately, any amount that you choose to put away will help empower your child (or yourself) to pay for college in the future. As you can see; however, you can grow your money much more effectively if you save early, save often, and save in an account with a high rate of return. Ways to Build Funds To students and parents alike: the earlier you start building a college fund, the better. Strategies for fundingcollege will vary based on who, exactly, is trying to save for school. Whether you're a parent or a student, you can start working on a funding source. For Parents It’s never too early to start a college fund for your future student. In fact, the earlier you start, the easier it will be to save a significant amount. Perhaps thebest way to save is to set aside a small percentage of your income every pay period. You canwithhold it and put it aside in a big chunk at the end of the year. Alternatively, you canhave a set amount or percentage automatically deposited in a separate account every pay period. The amount you choose to set aside will obviously depend on your income and family expenses. For Students There are many different ways for you to start building up a college fund for yourself. The more you save now, the less you may have to worry about your tuitionbills or student loan payments later. Student Jobs You can start working in many states at 14 or 15, which potentially givesyou 3-4 years to build up some savings for college. This isn’t the right choice for everybody - you shouldn’t put a job ahead of your studies or extracurricular activities - but it can be a good way to start putting money away for the future. Assume that you'll start off working part-time and at federal minimum wage - not super appealing, I know, but that'sthe unfortunate reality of getting a job as a teen. If you work full-time for twomonths during the summer (40 hours per week at $7.25 per hour), you could earn up to $2,320 before taxes. Do this for three summers during high school, and you could earn almost $7,000. That's a significant chunk of money, but it requires a lot of time and energy on your part. Starting early; however, could provide opportunities for advancement (i.e. salary raises) and work experience that may help you get a more appealing job once you're in college. Check out our article talking about when you should (or shouldn't) get a job as a student. Family Member Contributions Some students may be fortunate enough to have family members whoare willing to help with college expenses. If you’re still in high school but want to start building your college fund, ask family members for contributions in lieu of traditional gifts for birthdays or holidays. Scholarships You don’t have to wait until you’re accepted to college to start applying forscholarships. There are a lot of programs out there open to high school students, and some are open to even younger kids. To start your scholarship search, check out our posts on the top scholarship programs for high school juniors and high school seniors. Spend a few minutes researching scholarships in your area that may be eligible for. Even small scholarships add up if you’re diligent about applying broadly. Where to Keep Your Money Money may not grow on trees, but that doesn't mean it can't grow. Now that you have a plan for bringing in college money, you’ll need a plan for saving in a smart way. If you let your money just sit in a checking account or a low-interest savings account, you could be losing money due to inflation in the long run. Don’t let all your hard work go to waste! There’s no one right savings plan for everyone, but there are a lot of different options available, each with its own pros and cons. I’ll present them all here so you can pick one or more that may work for you. Savings Accounts You can open a savings account in a matter of minutes at any bank. If you're looking for something a little more specialized, check outCoverdell Education Savings Accounts - they're custodial accounts that are meant specifically for education costs. Pros If you put your money in a savings account, it'll beeasily accessible and very liquid. It's not difficult to find free accounts with no fees. Your money will grow, particularly if you find a high-interest account. Finally, savings accounts are very flexible, meaning anyone can open an account to use for any other person's education. Cons It can be tempting to dip into college savings if you have easy access to it. Any interest gains are taxable, but thatmay not matter too much at the moment because interest rates are so low - you probably won't be gaining much from interest. 529 Plans 529 plans are education-specific investment accounts - there are many different types of plans out there, so it might take a bit of research to find one that's a good fit. Pros Many 529 plans offer serious tax benefits: when used to cover educational expenses, any investment gains aren't taxed. Any adult can open an account and name any other individual as beneficiary, making the plans very flexible. There's a penalty for dipping into the account for non-education expenses, which hopefullyleads tosuccess in reaching savings goals. Finally, there are high lifetime contribution maximums (this depends on the state, but the maximums vary from 200k-400k). Cons If there's any sort of emergency and you need access to funds you've stashed in a 529 plan, you'll be charged a hefty penalty. The plans themselves often come with fees or other charges. Finally, because 529 plans are custodial investment accounts, they're not viable options for teens who want to save for college themselves. Other Investment Accounts There are other ways to invest college funds in the market besides 529 plans, including brokerage accounts and IRAs. Again, there are a lot of different options out there, so the most important thing is finding an account that works best foryour savings goals. Pros There are a lot of investment account options out there, so you havea lot of control in how you invest your money. Depending on the type of account you choose, your funds should also be more easily accessible than if they were in a 529 plan, which meansyou wouldn't have to pay a penalty for using the money for non-educational expenses. Cons Choosing and managing an investment account takes more workand initiative than just sticking your funds in a savings account. Any gains from an investment account without the benefits of a 529 will be subject to tax, which you may have to pay on top of account fees. You also have to be 18 to open an investment account, meaning teens can't save for college this way (at least not on their own). Finally, some investment accounts can be very volatile, which subjectsyour savingsto quite a bit of risk. CDs A CD is another type of savings account - you receive a certificate when you deposit your money for a specific length of time, at a specific interest rate. You can get your money + interest rate when your CD â€Å"matures,†after the designated time period ends. Pros Because your money isn't invested in the market, you don't have to worry about your savings losing value. CDs have better rates of returnthan many savings accounts when you choose a long-term CD, making them good options for parents with young kids. Cons CDs are more conservative options than most investment accounts,and as such, they tend toresult in lower rates of return over the long term. In reality, the rates of return barely keep up with inflation. Gains are subject to tax. Finally, because long-term CDs keep your money locked in for extended periods, they're not good options for students heading off to college in the near future. Trusts "Trust" is a pretty broad term, encompassing many different things. Essentially, a trust is a fund made up of different assets that are held and managed by someone (a trustee) for someone else (a beneficiary). It's possible to open a trust for the purpose of covering college expenses. Pros You can use trusts to minimize estate taxes (if you have to worry about that), get professional management of funds, and have total control over money if you’re saving it for a minor. Cons To open a trust, you generally need a pretty large lump sum - you can't just slowly contribute over time. They're also expensive to maintain and manage. Ultimately, they're probably best for wealthy families who already have trusts in the works for children or other beneficiaries. Overwhelmed By These Savings Strategies? This info should hopefully keep you grounded. Whether your child is heading off to college next year or 18 years from now, the thought of saving up enough money can be pretty daunting. This is a lot of information to take in, so here's a breakdown of simple steps you can take to get started with a successful college savings plan: You don't have to orchestrate some complicated strategy all at once in order to save for college. If you want to start saving but don't have time at the moment to research different savings or investment accounts, it's okay to put that stuff on the back burner. Justspend a few minutes opening a simple savings account at your current banking institution - that's all you have to do to open a dedicated college fund. Once you have more time, you can start looking at savings plans that will help you grow your money most effectively. You don't have to throw all your extra funds into college savings from Day 1.Managing a household budget is a delicate balancing act for many families. If you are ready to start a college savings plan, begin by putting aside 5% of your income. If that's too much (or too little), you can adjust as necessary. Remember, you can always contribute larger lump sums if you have extra funds available. If you don't meet some arbitrary savings goal, that doesn't mean you've failed. FewUS families can afford to cover all college expenses upfront, but any amount that you save up canhelp cut down on things like student debt and even stress over making payments. Fewer than half of all families with kids sock money away for college - you're already at an advantage by setting up a dedicated college fund. What's Next? Although it's important to have a college fund to cover large educational expenses, your personal savings arenot the only way to pay for college costs. Federal and institutional financial aid may cover a large fraction of these expenses, but only if you submit the right applications at the right time. Check out our guide to applying for financial aid for more information. Did you know that some schools offer much better financial aid packages than others? If you want an education for a bargain, learn more about the 27 colleges with the best financial aid programs. Finally, you may be interested in private scholarship programs to help bridge the gap between what you owe and what you can afford. Read more about the top scholarships out there for high school juniors and high school seniors. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Car Advertising Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Car Advertising - Assignment Example Considering the car market in UK, till 1980, the general opinion of Audi was that it was a car built in Europe and customers were not certain of even the nation of building, the technical capacities and the car had no specific image. The car was not clearly positioned according to the Louis Harris Car Image Study. The position of the car changed to some extent and by 1987, the car slowly moved towards the group of prestige cars. This was due to the "Vorsprung durch Technik" Campaign of the 1980s. Though the car was of the same size as Ford and Vauxhall, it was positioned as a car above them in terms of image. Further improvement was achieved in 1995 when Audi took advantage of the marketing opportunities that were available to it and to an extent this was due to the new models that were introduced. These were called Audi A8 and the Audi A4 and both these cars were far better that the previous models that this brand had. (Members only - how advertising helped Audi join the prestige ca r club) The models were liked by the press and the potential customers, and the particular brands have won a number of awards. This range of models was an improvement on the previous models that it had and those were called Audi 80 and Audi 100. Yet the brand had strong opponents in terms of brand names and prices. There were also new launches coming up from the competitors and the brand had not many advantages in terms of product itself. Thus, it was essential to establish the brand on certain parameters. The advantage of the brand getting into the prestige segment was that it would permit the brand to retain value after a few years of usage and this would encourage the users to buy the car. This can be seen in the case of Mercedes C class, Saab 900i, and Ford Mondeo 2.0 Si, where Mercedes retained 87.5 percent of the value, Saab retained 76 percent and Ford retained only 61 percent. Naturally, the car with the highest prestige would provide unseen advantages for its buyer and thus would f ind it easier to sell. (Members only - how advertising helped Audi join the prestige car club) The general positioning in Britain seems to be with Porsche and Ferrari as members of the Super Prestige group, BMW, Mercedes and Jaguar being members of the prestige group; Volvo and Saab being members of the quality cars group; Ford, Vauxhall, Rover and Renault being members of the mainstream cars group and Kia and Proton being members of the budget cars group. The cars in the prestige and super prestige group are able to charge a higher price, while the sales are the highest for the mainstream cars. In terms of positioning, it was always the objective of Audi to be a member of the prestige cars group. (Members only - how advertising helped Audi join the prestige car club) The logic for this is based on volume of production, desired profits and other matters. The consumers also view cars within different groups in a manner that keeps their image in line. The purchasing decision is then based on the cost of the cars and what the user can afford to pay. So far as prestige and super p restige cars are concerned, they charge a premium price and this has to be supported by their image. The positioning of a brand is
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Social Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Social Psychology - Essay Example This paper focuses on social psychology as a branch of psychology. As a branch of psychology, social psychology concerns itself with the understanding of individual’s mental behaviors, functions and processes within a social context (Vala and Costa-Lopes, 2012). Myers and his co-authors (2010) also define social psychology as the scientific field that aims at understanding the causes and nature of the behavior of an individual in social situations or contexts. Therefore, it looks at the behavior of an individual as influenced by the social context and other people around where this takes place. In other words, social psychology can be described as a discipline that employs scientific methods in understanding and explaining how the feeling, behavior, and thought of an individual are influenced by the implied, imagined, or actual presence of other people in a particular context, or different situations (Letitia, et al., 2005). While the discipline also relates with sociology by looking on group factors such as socio-economic class and race, it relates to psychology in the sense that it looks at these factors by focusing on an individual. The discipline focuses on a broad range of social topics such as social perception, non-verbal behavior, prejudice, conformity, leadership, aggression, and group behavior, among others (Funder and Krueger, 2004). Apart from looking at the social influences, this discipline also looks at the issues to do with social interaction and social perception, all of which are essential in understanding an individual’s behavior within a social context (Rogers, 2011). Like other disciplines, social psychology has developed over years to become an acceptable and scientific field of study and practice around the world. While the influences of social psychology can be traced to early centuries, it started to develop as a discipline in the wake of the twentieth century (Vala and Costa-Lopes, 2012). The earliest influences of this d iscipline came from such philosophers as Aristotle and Plato. Aristotle held the belief that human beings are naturally sociable creatures, a feature that allows them to live together. His view was considered as an individual-centered approach because it considers an individual essential in a social context. On his part, Plato believed that the state was critical in controlling individuals and encouraging social responsibility through social situations and contexts. Plato’s view came to be known as the socio-centered approach (Letitia et al, 2005). In the 1800s, there was the introduction of social psychology concepts such as social facilitation and social loafing. This discipline developed further at the dawn of the twentieth century when texts in the field started to emerge, the most notable text being â€Å"An Introduction to Social Psychology,†which McDougall wrote in 1908. The writing of texts in the field in subsequent years greatly contributed to the developmen t of this discipline (Myers, et al., 2010). The period after the Second World War is credited for the substantial development of social psychology and research in social psychology. The horrors of the war led several researchers to develop interest in researching various social psychology topics such as conformity and social influence (Vala and Costa-Lopes, 2012). Some of the research focused on how individual behaviors and attitudes are shaped by social context, how they are formed, and how they can be measured in order to ascertain if change
Friday, January 24, 2020
Home Schooling :: Education Violence Essays
Home Schooling Home schooling is defined by Miriam Webster’s online dictionary as â€Å"to teach school subjects to one’s children at home.†(Miriam Webster online dictionary). Home schooling is becoming an increasingly popular for parents. Home schooling instructional styles can vary from home to home. â€Å"†¦from a daily routine following a scheduled curriculum to a child-led learning in which parents supervise and help.†(Educational Resources Information Center). Home schooling is often a hard choice to make and many things must be taken into account before making the decision. Many parents are afraid of school buildings. After Columbine, parents seem scared to let their child walk into a school building. Parents may also disagree with what is taught in their child’s classroom. Some want total autonomy over what their child is exposed to. According to a CBS news articles, â€Å" Parents feel that they can provide a better education at home, religious reasons, there is a poor learning environment at home, family reasons, and they feel that their children will develop character and morality ( Parents have the opportunity to teach their children what they feel should be taught. They can teach the morals that they believe in, the religious factions that they believe in, and what they feel are the important aspects of life. Also children have the autonomy to choose when and where they want to study. For example, a child could do English from 8:00-9:30, then do soccer from 9:30-10:30 and then finish the day doing work. The child is no t confined to a regimented 6-hour learning day and a 2-hour practice time. The child can make his/her own schedule and may even be more interested to do the work because he or she planned it out. â€Å"Children can learn about things they are interested in at a time in their lives when they are ready to learn. No preconceived schedule forces them ahead or holds them back. Vacations and outings can be planned for times when the family is ready, and often when the crowds are smaller and the costs lower.†( Children who may be better in math than English have the opportunity to take a higher level math class while remaining in a lower level English class. This flexibility can help children to enjoy school more and let parents know that their child is on the right track in each subject area.
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