Friday, November 29, 2019
The Knights of the Middle Ages Essay Example For Students
The Knights of the Middle Ages Essay Shakespeare’s 16th century portrayal of Messina in southern Italy is a place where social conventions rule and order is kept through the strong bond of honour that exists among men. Honour is the only measure of the man and serves as a way for others to determine and evaluate that person’s character. Thus a person ‘becomes’ their honour. While women’s honour revolves around the womanly virtues of chastity and fidelity, men, being more complex beings, naturally have a more intricate and structured honour paradigm. The Knights of the Middle Ages epitomised honour systems with their strict adherence to the chivalric code. Knights were elite warriors, holding immense military and political power, and honour was a central component in the concept of conduct known as chivalry, which influenced models of behaviour for nobles during the Renaissance and was admired and exalted as a sign of nobility and social standing. Because this period of time marked an age of instability and constant conflict, honour for men was inevitably tied up in the act of war. We will write a custom essay on The Knights of the Middle Ages specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In this environment, where one’s life lay in the competency of his fellow man, one who proved to be proficient and capable at war was naturally held in high esteem and regarded as honourable. War was an ever present reality and provided both an ideal and valuable test of one‘s honour and indeed the messenger in Act One, Scene One proclaims Claudio’s battle-proven honour, stating, â€Å"He hath born himself beyond the promise of his age, having done in the figure of a Lamb, the feats of a lion†. The response to this news is one of overwhelming joy with the messenger also stating how the news had brought tears to the eyes of Claudio’s father. However the honour of women and men, although defined differently, is not separate, especially in the case of families and relationships, where in both cases the honour of both parties is interwoven and the disintegration of one person’s honour affects the other. Not surprisingly Messina is dominated by the conflict between appearance and reality, which has honour at its centre. As the concept of honour is an abstract one and honour is of fundamental importance, it must be manifested in a physical way so that it is perceivable to others. Thus the desire to portray a perfect exterior dominates people’s behaviour and upholding the appearance of honour in public is a preoccupation with the majority of the citizens of Messina. Yet it is this very desire to uphold honour that constantly compromises both truth and individuality, negatively influencing the way people behave and destroying all sense of self. The masquerade ball scene is just one of many incidents that play on this tension. Another threat arising from the glorification of honour is presumption and the fierce desire to defend one’s honour, which becomes a central concern in Messina and is at the very root of the most shocking conflict in the play. As each character fiercely guards their honour, the underlying insecurity, suspicion and irrationality remains unchecked, and Don John’s masterful deception causes Messina to collapse into calamity. Claudio’s hasty, yet premeditated shaming of Hero is his pitiful attempt to protect his own honour. He erroneously believes that by denouncing his intended and disassociating himself from any connection with her, he will remove all risk of his own honour being implicated in the affair most foul and treacherous. Equally distressing, is Leonato’s shocking assumption of the role of the shamed and furious father, which demonstrates the importance of the concept of honour within the family. .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff , .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff .postImageUrl , .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff , .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff:hover , .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff:visited , .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff:active { border:0!important; } .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff:active , .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucd95b9e075d5768914a0b8b4c190a4ff:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: In what ways does Act II advance our understanding of Hamlet's character? EssayBeatrice’s harrowing command to â€Å"Kill Claudio†is her attempt to defend and restore Hero’s honour and Bennedict’s reluctant, but convincing compliance is a perfect example of the interconnected nature of honour in Messina. Their reactions, which appear extreme, reveal the immense fear of shame, that the removal of honour brings, a fate which Messinians fear more than death itself and of course Don John is constantly there as a reminder of what happens to one who has lost his honour. Known as Don John the bastard, his low rank and reclusive personality is testament to the pitiful existence that loosing one’s honour brings. Thus it is easy to understand why loosing one’s honour is so feared by Messinians, and their obsession over the idea of honour, whilst unfortunate, can be justified. To prove his point, Shakespeare masterfully expounds the negative implications of the attitudes of the people of Messina by immersing them in, and developing their reactions to, crisis and adversity, which exposes the frailty of their society and their restrictive notions of honour. However Shakespeare does not let all his characters become ensnared in this mode of thought and the beloved duo of Beatrice and Bennedict are a definite example of what can be achieved when society’s social expectations are ignored and rejected as inhibiting forces. Finally the play reaches a happy, though somewhat uneasy, resolution, involving the restoration of everyone’s honour, because the blame for shaking the very fabric of society is laid very neatly at the feet of Don John, who is blamed as the perpetrator of the plot, which sadly means that Messina has learnt ‘nothing’ from its many deceptions. Even Claudio, who publicly shamed Hero with such callousness and showed no emotion when the news of her death was announced, is conveniently absolved from guilt. Ultimately we are left with an uneasy feeling over the palpable instability of Messina, which threatens the seemingly peaceful resolution, and we realise that only Beatrice and Benedick have exchanged the traditional concepts of honour for the freedom of individualism.
Monday, November 25, 2019
A Short History of the American Red Cross
A Short History of the American Red Cross Historical Importance of the American Red Cross The American Red Cross is the only congressionally mandated organization to provide aid to victims of disaster and is responsible for fulfilling the mandates of the Geneva Convention within the United States. It was founded May 21, 1881 It has historically been known under other names, such as ARC; American Association of the Red Cross (1881 - 1892) and American National Red Cross (1893 - 1978). Overview Clara Barton, born in 1821, had been a schoolteacher, a clerk in the U.S. Patent Office, and had earned the nickname Angel of the Battlefield during the Civil War before she founded the American Red Cross in 1881. Bartons experiences of collecting and distributing supplies to soldiers during the Civil War, as well as working as a nurse on battlefields, made her a champion for the rights of wounded soldiers. After the Civil War, Barton aggressively lobbied for the establishment of an American version of the International Red Cross (which had been founded in Switzerland in 1863) and for the United States to sign the Geneva Convention. She succeeded with both the American Red Cross was founded in 1881 and the U.S. ratified the Geneva Convention in 1882. Clara Barton became the first president of the American Red Cross and led the organization for the next 23 years. Just days after the first local chapter of the American Red Cross was established in Dansville, NY on August 22, 1881, the American Red Cross jumped into its first disaster relief operation when they responded to the devastation caused by major forest fires in Michigan. The American Red Cross continued to aid victims of fires, floods, and hurricanes over the next several years; however, their role grew during the 1889 Johnstown flood when the American Red Cross set up large shelters to temporarily house those dislocated by the disaster. Sheltering and feeding continue to this day to be the largest responsibilities of the Red Cross immediately following a disaster. On June 6, 1900, the American Red Cross was given a congressional charter that mandated the organization to fulfill the provisions of the Geneva Convention, by rendering aid to those wounded during the war, providing communication between family members and members of the U.S. military, and administering relief to those affected by disasters during peacetime. The charter also protects the Red Cross emblem (a red cross on a white background) for use only by the Red Cross. On January 5, 1905, the American Red Cross received a slightly revised congressional charter, under which the organization still operates today. Though the American Red Cross has been given this mandate by Congress, it is not a federally funded organization; it is a non-profit, charitable organization that receives its funding from public donations. Though congressionally chartered, internal struggles threatened to topple the organization in the early 1900s. Clara Bartons sloppy bookkeeping, as well as questions regarding Bartons ability to manage a large, national organization, led to a congressional investigation. Instead of testifying, Barton resigned from the American Red Cross on May 14, 1904. (Clara Barton passed away April 12, 1912, at the age of 91.) In the decade following the congressional charter, the American Red Cross responded to disasters such as the ​1906 San Francisco earthquake and added classes such as first aid, nursing, and water safety. In 1907, the American Red Cross began working to combat consumption (tuberculosis) by selling Christmas Seals to raise money for the National Tuberculosis Association. World War I exponentially expanded the American Red Cross by significantly increasing Red Cross chapters, volunteers, and funds. The American Red Cross sent thousands of nurses overseas, helped organize the home front, established veterans hospitals, delivered care packages, organized ambulances, and even trained dogs to search for wounded. In World War II, the American Red Cross played a similar role but also sent millions of packages of food to POWs, began a blood collection service to aid the wounded, and established clubs such as the famous Rainbow Corner to offer entertainment and food to servicemen. After World War II, the American Red Cross established a civilian blood collection service in 1948, has continued to offer aid to victims of disasters and wars, added classes for CPR, and in 1990 added a Holocaust War Victims Tracing and Information Center. The American Red Cross has continued to be an important organization, offering aid to millions affected by wars and disasters.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
REGIONAL UNEMPLOYMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
REGIONAL UNEMPLOYMENT - Essay Example The percentage of unemployed people in Scotland have been reducing due to the massive expansion of businesses in the region such as the oil and gas sector (Herald Scotland, 2015). This growth has brought about job creation thus the improvement of employment rates to a â€Å"record high†. The unemployment rates in North Ireland also match those in Scotland in being the lowest among the four due to an improving economic situation that as resulted in more job offerings in the public and private sector (Houston, 2014). In Wales, programs implanted by the government such as the Jobs Growth Wales have played a significant role in reducing the unemployment rates (, 2013). The government may use policies that create good economic conditions for businesses to thrive on such as encouraging the creation of new business. These conditions will enable businesses to grow that translates into the need for more workers in the particular. The authorities can also sponsor the youth and educate them on how to create successful enterprises so that they can also use their skills to earn a living and employ themselves such as through web design among others. Therefore, the unemployment rates are reduced in the process. The government can also undertake an analysis of the labor market in various regions to determine places inhabited mostly by unemployed individuals. They can reduce the tax levels for the business in the area so as to increase the level of unemployment. They can also create institutions that enabled the unemployed to learn skills that may help them to get jobs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2015]. Month - [Online] Available at:
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Describe and assess the listener's experience of two different Assignment - 1
Describe and assess the listener's experience of two different composition or two performances of the same composition - Assignment Example In this way, each epoch left its aims and values in music. This essay will focus on the art of Beethoven and Satie to show how different music can be in its aims and purposes. Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 is a legend in the world of classical music. It represents inner fight of as man who has to choose its further way in life. It is not surprising that the second title of the symphony is Fate. Beethoven’s fate is not the music for relaxation. It is dull of controversies and opposition which cannot leave anybody indifferent. The melody transforms from the nervous passages from the first movement to the calm and moderate moods in the second one. This music shows inner hesitation of people when they need to make their life choices. Gravy full chords in the beginning of the piece quickly transform into the light passages which remind thoughtfulness young people who cannot focus on the most important things in their lives. At the same time, the fate theme interrupts any light process in one’s thinking making everything more complicated. The second movement of the symphony is totally opposite to the first one. It reminds of a place when all people can feel calm. Harmony and calmness are two general values which are recognized by different world cultures and people. In this way, the symphony meets their standards and becomes universal in the context of global community. Overall, the music by Beethoven is never simple. It is full of controversy, hesitation and fear. At the same time, it represents great feeling of optimism, harmony and happiness. Perception of Beethoven depends on one’s mood to the great extent. All people are free to find reflections of their life problems in this complicated, controversial and beautiful music. Music by Erik Satie traces a totally different message for its listeners. For instance, Hypnomedie â„â€" 1 by Erik Satie is music of modernity. It is less certain than
Monday, November 18, 2019
Infectious Diseases and the Immune System Assignment
Infectious Diseases and the Immune System - Assignment Example Tracheal cytotoxin then leads to the paralysis of the ciliated cells. Finally, the adenylate cyclase initiates the infection and causes reduction of the phagocytic activity. Non-specific immunity: It includes a nonantigen-specific method of immunization that ensures immediate maximal response by the body. The vaccine provides the antigen to initiate antibodies against the bacteria. Symptoms include low fever, sneezing, slight cough, and later whooping. Diagnosis can be through physical and visual examination of the patient accompanied by a laboratory test to determine the bacteria. Treatment includes the use of antibiotics. Acellular vaccination includes one where there is the use of inactivated bacteria and one or less concentrated bacterial components. The Whole-cell vaccination is a mode of vaccination where the vaccines are administered with diphtheria and tetanus (DPT) and are more effective. Pearl was a scientist from Wheaton, Illinois, who has suffered from whooping cough and recovered. The respiratory illness had surfaced in different continents leading to various deaths due to its way of transmission. After surviving from the killer disease, she engaged in research and other scientific activities to ensure that there was a cure to prevent more deaths. Other French scientists namely Jules Border and Octave Genguo motivated her work. She used her experience on the disease’s symptoms to understand how the bacteria reacted during the incubation period. Consequently, she teamed up with other scientist and begun working towards establishing an antibiotic for the disease. The antibiotics were attained through laboratory tests on the bacteria’s trends. The process reduces the baby’s chances of contracting the disease due to the pre-determined vaccination schedule. Additionally, it saves on costs because the prevention of a disease is substantially cheaper than its
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Happy Dent chewing gum
Happy Dent chewing gum TOPIC: HAPPY DENT CHEWING GUM INTRODUCTION There are many players in the confectionary mart which include HLL, perfetti India , Nestle India and Joyco Innovation at all spheres is the key to stay ahead of competition. Our constant effort is to continuously innovate and we have successfully done so in products (Center Shock, Alpenliebe Swirl candies, Happydent Gum, etc, etc) , in promotions ( Big Babol redemption contests, Cofitos Click Card promotion etc., etc) and also in our distribution system. the chewing gum I have selected is Happy Dent chewing gum and the advertisment or commercial selected is Muskura Le Jagmaga Le.Well in the commercial they are into exaggerted copies, with melodrama and hype spicing up and rightfully so as they are selling a product of the low involvement category.This new one is set in eastman colour, a palace and the Raja and Ranis in frame, the trappings of royality.A guywhose cycle gets off road in the centre of a bridge and he runs and runs over the fences, climbing locked gates,runs and runs t hrough long winding corridors, passing massive doors, a tennis court where the ranis are playing, a magnificient ball room where a slow dance is going on.with amazing sufi music with the jingle (tere man roshan mere man roshan, Prasoon Joshi wrote the lyrics. The commercial won the national award for the best commercial as well. HAPPY DENT CHEWING FOR SPARKING TEETH Happydent White Muskura Le Jagmaga Le commercial Reviews Hats off to the Mccann -Erickson guys -Prasoon joshi for amazing visualisation and daring execution.. Ram Madhvani for making the film is no small job..for Shantanu moitra for the background scorewonderful sufiyana stuff.,for Kailash Kher, Pranav Biswas, Shantanu Moitra and Prasoon Joshi for singing it.Hope we had more ads that could evoke such recall in the TG . ADVERTISING STRATEGY No great startegy is used in this add but in this add they have shown the power of happydent in light that how much teeth gets shine after eating a happy dent. and they gave the name to the add mukura le jagmaga le to attract those people who dont have so much clean and refresh teeth that they can laugh openly in front of any one.thats why they used the old time for this ad. According to Technopak advi-sors Ltd., the oral care market in India is estimated to be close to Rs 4,000 crores of which the largest contributor is the toothpaste seg- ment accounting for approximately 75 percent of the total market in India. The toothpaste market is es- timated at Rs 2,866 crores and is expected to reach Rs 3,226 crores by 2012. The toothpowder market, valued at Rs 497 crores, on the otherhand, is expected to drop to Rs 458 crores by 2012. The mouthwash market an infant product segment for now is valued at Rs 74 crores and is expected to reach Rs 89 crores by 2012.The toothbrush market is valued at 539 crores.The main strategy behind it is to capture the market of tooth paste also. BIG IDEA BEHIND THE COMMERCIAL Practically all of rural India pre- fers cleaning their teeth with tradi- tional products such as neem twigs, salt, ash, tobacco or other herbal in- gredients, contributing to a low per- capita consumption of branded oral care products. according to WHO, Indias overall awareness of oral hygiene is still very poor. The dentist- to-population ratio is 1:35,000 in comparison to 1:7,500 as recom- mended by the WhO. But with burgeoning middle class and multi- pronged advertising campaigns, there is now a latent demand for the formal oral care products and this is set to rise exponentially in the com- ing years. Growth is also likely to emanate from consumers ‘upgrad- ing to matured, value-added and innovative products in this category. Of late, growth of modern trade has also propelled brand sales, especially in the urban marktes.In India, toothpowder was pri- marily targeted at people who used traditional products like salt, neem twigs and other herbal products. Brands like Colgate, Dabur, Babool, Vicco are the prominent players in the toothpowder market in India. Over the past decade it has be- come evident that growth opportunities really lie in the rising demand for toothpaste as the toothpowder is beginning to show a phase of de- cline, as more and more consumers are switching from powders to pastes. according to amit Burman, vice chairman, Dabur India Ltd, the toothpowder market is growing slowly and has been largely stagnant, whereas the market for toothpastes has been witnessing strong double- digit growth, largely driven by a consumer shift in rural markets from toothpowders to toothpastes. Unlike in western countries, the market for new-age oral care products such as mouth freshening wash es, dental flosses and teeth whitening products are at a nascent stage in In- dia. The limited use of these products is also for now restricted to urban ar- eas only. â€Å"The market for specialised cleaning products and mouthwashes has remained a slow grower, with a bulk of the market still controlled by regular value-added toothpastes,†says Burman. One reason for the sluggish growth could be the fact that mouthwash in India is perceived more as a product for therapeutic rather than daily and cosmetic use. Listerine dominates the OTC mouthwash category, while Be-adine, Clohex and hexidine are the major brands among the medically prescribed products. CREATIVE EXECUTION In this add a chewing gum is shown as which can be used in place of a tooth paste in place of a mouth freshner. Because this add is based on the old time of Raja and Rani. when there was no lights and all. when Raja sits to eat meal person chewing happy dent white and his teeths start sparkling so much that is puts light on the table then in place of every equipement which produce light there was a human being and when the light was needed person starts chewing gum. TACTICS Happy Dent white company covered all the three products in one product, Tooth paste Mouth freshner Chewing Gum In the beginning the commercial to create the interest of the consumer they show a person who was running some where after seeing the persons on car instead of Head Lights, this was like something very attactive and catchy to the customers and the lyrics added flavour to the advertisement. APPEAL In this commercial all the segment of customers are attracted because they have shown three qualities in one chewing gum Perfetti Van Melle India (Happydent White). Happydent White is a coated functional gum available in Peppermint and Fruit flavours with special ayurvedic recipe. The brands positioning is that ‘chewing happydent White can give you a sparkling smile. happydent White offers two sugar free variants Protex happy- dent and happydent White Xylit. Brand: Happy Dent White Product: Happydent WaveTooth Whitening Gum Medium: TVC Agency: McCann Erickson Creative team: Prasoon Joshi, executive chairman, McCann Erickson India, and regional executive creative director, Asia Pacific, McCann Erickson Production House: Black Magic, directed by Abhijit Chaudhari Post production: Reynold and Nikhil of Pixion. Storyboard: The film shows a shepherd searching for his lost flock of sheep. He comes across a lorry which has crashed and HappyDent Wave which comprised its cargo has been spilt all over. A herd of passing elephants tramples on the cargo, creating bursts of the toothwhitening liquid contained in the HappyDent Wave and this becomes a river, the elephants play in this river. It becomes night and the herd of elephants emerge, their tusks glowing bright thanks to the HappyDent they soaked them in. Villagers watching the forest light up in the distance say sadly that the village has yet to get electricity but Jungal mein mangal ho rahan hain. Behind the scenes: The film was inspired by folk lore of elephants playing in water according to Joshi. The film was shot in Kerala over a period of three days. Folk music was used as the background score, apt as the setting of the film is very rural. The films used a real location with a jungle and a lake and constructed the village. The shot of the elephants tusks gleaming like tubelights have been worked on in post production. The number of elephants were also multiplied to crePrasoon Joshi, executive chairman, McCann Worldgroup India, and regional creative director, McCann Asia, created the highly exaggerated Happydent campaign to re-create the brand promise of sparkling teeth, the category was looking for something just as outrageous to spur the confectionary purchase. Before the ad, consumers tended to confuse brand Happydent with rival Orbit. Effective advertising pushed Happydent to top of the mind recall in the category. Orbit was forced to change its communication from being a teeth whitening chewing gum to a gum with benefits like tooth decay prevention. Namita Gupta, product head, Perfetti India, says, Communication should be a mix of creative and effective advertising. Its pointless if our campaign is great, but we are not able to sell our products. The new variant of the Happydent campaign looses on the novelty factor. The new ad for HappyDent Wave pales in comparison, which features a herd of elephants that stomp through several cartons of the gel-filled variant only to end up with tusks that flicker like tube lights.ate the feel of a large herd. Gyaan: This is the latest commercial from Happydent after the two earlier films which set the benchmark for films that went again the grain for the product category. The first film was the photostudio film which had the assistant pop in a Happy Dent chewing gum before every shot for a flash, the second had a palace and a city, illuminated by folks grinning from ear to ear. The premise for the previous films was Muskurale Jagmagale, while the new improved premise is Daaton tale, diya jale. The product is a brand variant and not the Mother Brand which necessitated a new TVC. I would buy a Happydent todaythe recall is so much Happydent: An Elephantine effort for sparkling teeth Happydent is at it again . After the ‘photo studio film, and the globally acclaimed ‘Palace commercial, the brand has just unveiled a commercial for one of its new variants Happydent Wave. In the wake of the brand promise of Muskurale, jagmagale for Happydent White in 2007, Happydent Wave comes with the somewhat poetic promise of Daaton tale, diya jale. The film, conceived by McCann Erickson, opens on a shepherd looking for his lost sheep. He comes across a herd of elephants that has found a toppled lorry full of Happydent Wave. As the elephants step on the gum, there are splashes of water, which gradually turn into a river in which the elephants swim and play. At nightfall, the elephants tusks suddenly start shining bright, lighting up the jungle. The film ends with a few old men sitting in the darkness and quipping sarcastically, â€Å"Jangal mein mangal ho raha hai, par gaon mein toh bijli aayi hi nahin bhaiya!†(There is no light in the village, while the jungle is shining bright.) PRINT ADVERTISEMENT OF HAPPYDENT CHEWING GUM MAKES YOUR TEETH SHINE LIKE BULB
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Racism :: essays research papers
The sizzling streams of sunlight were just beautifully glimmering down on the crisp green school yard. Such a wonderful day that was. Nothing could have ruined it. Little Jimmy, since it was such a wonderful day decided to go to the corner store and buy himself a little treat. As little Jimmy started walking over to the store, clouds flocked over the dazzling sun and the sudden pitch dark meant no trouble. On the other side of the road were three white boys from Jimmy's same school. Upon recognizing Jimmy, the boys ran over the street to where he was. "Hey Negro, what's up?", one of the white Boy said. "Did your mamma pack you enough to eat to-day?", another hooted. "Just leave me alone.", Little Jimmy said "Oh no, Jimmy's really getting pist off!?", the first boy retaliated. "Just shove off and let me be," Jimmy answered. It is like this everyday, everywhere, and everytime, people suffer discrimination. All because they have differen ces amongst each other. Different beliefs, different cultures, different skin colour, all of these act like building blocks to help construct what we know as Racism. Racism has become one of the many burdens amongst multi-cultural worlds like Canada and the States. Racism is a part of each and every one of us. No doubt, we are all racist, but this the term racism has been used too loosely. Racism has been mutated to such an extent that it could be a reason for war, a symbol of terrorism, and even an excuse for neglecting. Is that all there is to it? No, actually it is just the beginning. Racism is just like warfare in which there is no shelter and nobody is neutral. Nobody is exempt from this demon. He has haunted us with a bitter curse. On one occasion I remember, nobody would play with me at school. I would walk around by myself and ask people if we could play together. Everywhere that I went, like the process of induction, everyone would avoid me. Like two inducted poles with the same polarity, they would just shimmer off into the distance and continue to do whatever they're doing. Because of racial differences, they neglect me. People are afraid of the unknown, and it is this difference amongst people that spread rumors and distrust amongst people. Corrupting our thoughts and reasons, we get accustomed to thinking differences are omens.
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